Friday, March 12, 2010

Vile Slimette of the Day: Liz Cheney


Sure, she's the daughter of a Dick, but just how she managed to make the leap that Department of Justice attorneys are terrorist sympathizers due to their legal work defending Gitmo detainees is beyond all reasonable comprehension.

Indeed, a group she's strongly associated with has labeled these attorneys the "Al Qaeda 7. " You know because the might as well have been piloting the hijacked jets on September 11.

It is somewhat pleasing to see that even some conservative folks have rebuked her for this idiotic condemnation, but no doubt her comments do appeal to some of the lunatic wingnuts this kind of Joe McCartheyesque rhetoric appeals to. You know, like the IRS kamikaze dude, the Pentagon shooter and, of course, Glenn "I never met a logical fallacy I didn't like" Beck.

Liz, honey, when an attorney represents someone charged with DUI, that does not, ipso facto, mean the attorney is in favor of driving under the influence. Jesus Christo, what a bozo. Bless her cotton socks, she's actually dumber and more paranoid than Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter.

Glad I'm here to straighten that small gray object between your ears out, babycakes.

Liz's group is known as Keep America Safe, but I refuse to link to such a demented site. I suppose if they really wanted to keep America safe they would smuggle the whole Cheney clan out of the county.

Anyway, Lizzie, watch for my bill in the mail, but in the interim enjoy your fameball status as my Vile Slimette of the day.

And say hello to your mother for me.

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