Thursday, March 18, 2010

Explosive Claim: Future Pope Told of Sexually Abusive Priest by Shrink in Early 1980s

"Dr. Huth said he issued the explicit warnings — both written and oral — before the future pope, then Joseph Ratzinger, archbishop of Munich and Freising, left Germany for a position in the Vatican in 1982.

In 1980, after abuse complaints from parents in Essen that the priest did not deny, Archbishop Ratzinger approved a decision to move the priest to Munich for therapy.

Despite the psychiatrist’s warnings, Father Hullermann was allowed to return to parish work almost immediately after his therapy began, interacting with children as well as adults. Less than five years later, he was accused of molesting other boys, and in 1986 he was convicted of sexual abuse in Bavaria."


Jesse James' Jump Off, Grew Up Amish, Has Forehead Tattoo; Here's Some Video

Her stage name is Michelle "Bombshell" McGee and she claims she was Amish until age 16. Her forehead tattoo reads "Pray For Us Sinners" and she teaches Home Ec at a San Diego charm school for wayward girls --- riiiiiggght.

Anyway. here's the tattooed thing that claims to have been in an 11-month relationship with Jesse James of West Coast Choppers, AKA Mr. Sandra Bullock.

Damn, Sandra may never live this down.

Divorce papers in the next week? Stay tuned!

Lady Gaga Sued by Producer/Boyfriend for $35 Million


NEW YORK -- A songwriter and music producer says in a New York City lawsuit pop star Lady Gaga squeezed him out of her lucrative career after he co-wrote some of her songs, came up with her stage name and helped get her record deal.

Rob Fusari filed a $35 million lawsuit Wednesday against the Grammy Award-winning singer. He says his protege and former girlfriend ditched him as her career soared.


Must Read Editorial by Howell Raines in the Washington Post: FOX News Exposed


Howell Raines has penned a scathing indictment of Fox News that should be read by anyone who can fire off more than a few neurons, and this includes the Fox News audience.

Do yourself a favor and read the editorial and accompanying links.

Howell asks important questions that will likely fall on deaf ears, but perhaps someone will pick up on this and do the kind of reporting that this issue begs for.

Yellow Journalism is alive and well, and Roger Ailes is the man behind the curtain.


This world will be a better place when Murdoch and Ailes are put out to pasture.

Glenn Beck and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) Pervert Religion For Their Own Disturbed Ends

Listen to these two morons on Beck's radio show:

Mom Strangles and Kills 'Disrespectful' Teen: OMGWTF!


WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -- A woman accused of strangling her daughter on a college campus apartment in Purchase, N.Y., told police she did it because the daughter was ''disrespectful all the time,'' according to court papers made public Thursday.



My mom once chucked a bar of Irish Spring at me when I was a headstrong teen. Lucky for me it missed, but it did make a helluva thunk when it hit the window A/C behind me. Soap can kill, people.

Jesse James Says "Sorry!" To Sandra Bullock & His Children Over Cheating Scandal

jesse james.jpg

LOS ANGELES — Jesse James says he's sorry for the pain and embarrassment he's caused his wife Sandra Bullock and his three children from previous relationships.

James told People magazine in a statement Thursday that he exhibited "poor judgment" and "I deserve everything bad that is coming my way."
WTF? What about the pain you caused Cinnabuns? First you give her a cheap stripper name and then she runs away -- TWICE -- because she's afraid of getting an STD from you!

I want the ASPCA to run a rape kit on Cinna because I think Jesse's cheating isn't confined to just his wife. Dog on dog action!

In other news: Tiger Woods is like "Hells, yeah!"

Tiger's Alleged Texts to Pornstar, Joslyn James


Tiger:Sent: 04:06 PM 08/29/2009:
Slap your face. Treat you like a dirty little whore. Put my cock in your ass and then shove it down your throat

Tiger:Sent: 04:07 PM 08/29/2009:
You are my fucking whore

Tiger:Sent: 04:08 PM 08/29/2009:
Hold you down while i choke you and Fuck that ass that i own

Tiger:Sent: 04:10 PM 08/29/2009:
Then im going to tell you to shut the Fuck up while i slap your face and pull your hair for making noise

Tiger:Sent: 11:31 AM 10/04/2009:
This has been a total shit trip. Im sorry i fucked up last night. And this shit. We will get it right next time so we can spend more time together.

Tiger:Sent: 12:06 PM 10/04/2009:
Oh my god. If they were with me. You would have ruined everything

Tiger:Sent: 12:07 PM 10/04/2009:
I told you. Oh my god. I cant believe what just happened

Tiger:Sent: 12:08 PM 10/04/2009:
Don't Fucking talk to me. You almost just ruined my whole life. If my agent and these guys would have seen you there, Fuck


I've redacted the boring ones and just posted the most salacious. Sure, these are NSFW, but if you were really at work, you wouldn't be reading these, right?


Cinnabun is Missing: AGAIN!


Even Jesse James' dog, Cinnabun, has quit that bitch. Hot on the heels of reports that his wife, Sandra Bullock, has left the family home, Cinnabun was again reported missing by the tracking company that monitors the dog's implanted microchip.

Now, it's one thing if your wife leaves you for allegedly bumpin' uglies with a tattooed lady, but if your dog is also quitting you -- TWICE -- you've reached rock fookin' bottom.

Jesse James, your dog is telling you something. Something most of the world already knows about you. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if all your tattoos jumped off your skin and marched, en masse, down Century Blvd. next.

And Sandra, what the HELL were you thinking when you married this piece, girl?  Did you even get a look at his previous wife? She looks like a carnie with every STD known to man, and some that aren't.

SEC Investigates, Cramer, the financial Web site founded by loudmouth stock picker and TV personality Jim Cramer, is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Heidi Montag Has Cellulite, And It's Not Just Spencer's Face

Famous for being annoying,  and now for spending buckets of cash to look like some kind of demented version of Barbie, comes this evidence that cellulite attacks even the young, stupid and plastic surgery addicted.

I've never even seen The Hills, but this talentless troll, and her complete twit of a husband, have somehow entered my cerebral cortex, and I want them out of the public eye as quickly as possible.

In the interim, enjoy her blisters of thigh cheese.

Bloated Gas Bag, Roger Ailes, Steps into Circular Firing Squad Over Beck Leakage


Fat, bloated, corpulent, morbidly obese, pale, paranoid, generally terrible, disgusting, GOP propagandist, Roger "I'm on my third lunch of the day" Ailes rallied his DC troops after a Howard Kurtz piece suggested division in the FOX Noise ranks over Glenn "I'm almost legally insane" Beck.

If God exists, he will take this leaking gasbag back ASAP, and bring his Australian boss with him. And we will all be better for it.

Colbert Takes on The Census, Bachmann and Beck

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
United States Census 2010
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