Thursday, March 25, 2010

Musical Interlude: Death Cab for Cutie-Brothers On a Hotel Bed (Studio)

So many great tunes in the Death Cab for Cutie catalogue, but this one speaks to me today.

Musical Interlude: Priscilla Ahn "A Dream"

I Hate Ann Coulter And So Should You


Not just because she throws idiotic rhetorical bombs at anyone or anything that she might even imagine represents a threat to her circumscribed and racist worldview. And not just because I find her physically repulsive and imagine she smells like an old ashtray that has never been properly cleaned, and not just because her pinched face, hollowed eye sockets and endlessly obnoxious self-important tone are as pleasing as nails on a chalkboard.

And not just because she has championed the execrable senator Joe McCarthy or called the 9/11 widows "harpies" or said that Christians consider themselves "perfected Jews" and that it would be better if everyone was a Christian. And not because she characterized evolution as "bogus science" or that she has other views that are so blatantly racist and vile that I won't even repeat them here.

Facebook Stalker: The Best App


So, because things are quiet here over at the home office, I decided I'd try and look up some old friends on Facebook. But because Facebook's search app is slow, dumb, and doesn't allow intelligent queries -- at least that I could find, I used my noodle instead.

First, I used Google and got a small number of matches. From there I found some Facebook public groups where I found old classmates, and from there I Facebook stalked their friend's lists, and then drilled down playing a variation on the six degrees of separation theme. This had a cascading effect in that I was now finding people I wasn't actively looking for, and it also took me down some rabbit holes that I'm sorry I found.