Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Hate Ann Coulter And So Should You


Not just because she throws idiotic rhetorical bombs at anyone or anything that she might even imagine represents a threat to her circumscribed and racist worldview. And not just because I find her physically repulsive and imagine she smells like an old ashtray that has never been properly cleaned, and not just because her pinched face, hollowed eye sockets and endlessly obnoxious self-important tone are as pleasing as nails on a chalkboard.

And not just because she has championed the execrable senator Joe McCarthy or called the 9/11 widows "harpies" or said that Christians consider themselves "perfected Jews" and that it would be better if everyone was a Christian. And not because she characterized evolution as "bogus science" or that she has other views that are so blatantly racist and vile that I won't even repeat them here.

No, I hate Ann Coulter most of all because she has an attentive audience that hangs on her every idiotic utterance and worships her for what she is. And that saddens me deeply, because it means this world, and this country, is filled with the willfully ignorant and that the very seeds of real terrorism are born in exactly the same kind of vile positions and hatred that Ann serves up to her fawning, ignorant audience.

1 comment:

  1. Amen and then some.

    I love the line about the ashtray. She really does look like she smells like a dirty old ashtray.

    Unfortunately, there's an audience for everyone. I just wish people would be more honest. Coulter, the Teabaggers (oops I mean Tea Party), the Ku Klux Klan and the rest of the fringe groups are all motivated by 2 things - racism and I'm better than you.

    Call me an idealist by I think that everyone with a conscience and any sense of self awareness think that Coulter and her ilk are all quite insane.
