Friday, March 12, 2010

Matt Drudge: The Drudge Report's Logical Fallacy Tactic


Drudge has a link to a horrible individual story about healthcare in the UK. Naturally, it's awful, but so too are the tens of thousands of sad stories that take place every hour of every day in US hospitals.

As a matter of fact, there are generally only two ways for a patient to leave a hospital, and that's out the front door or the back door, via a hearse, but what Drudge hopes to show is that socialized medicine is very bad, and he does that by to linking to anecdotes that prove nothing at all. Indeed, this is the same thing he does with anything he disagrees with.

Instead of linking to clear, empirical evidence, he'll link to a snow storm in Florida (because he doesn't accept the evidence for man-made global warming), or the story of Canadian politico who came to the US for medical treatment. Find a topic that the right disputes, and Drudge will find some anecdotal stories to make the case. But these links tell us nothing substantive at all.

Only what Drudge thinks, and from my perspective, I see very little evidence of any thought by Matt Drudge.

Anecdotes prove absolutely nothing, Matt. Although they do demonstrate that in the absence of any real credible, scientific evidence, you'll grasp at any straw that you imagine makes your point.

Drudge slinked out of Usenet years ago and somehow established his fatuous page of links as the destination spot for all media. It's a testament to his efforts and the power of the Internet that he wields such power, but when you actually read the cruft he posts, almost all of it is opinion, conjecture, poorly sourced and researched and/or clipped from that days GOP talking points.

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